Sun Protection While on the Water

Summer officially begins this week.  And Charter Lakes Marine Insurance wants you to have a safe and enjoyable experience while you are out on the boat.

Summer time means: boating, fishing, beach getaways, picnics, baseball games, golf and just getting outdoors.

Exposure to the UV rays can be very dangerous. Those dangers are magnified while on the water.

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 3.5 Million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year and on the rise.  90% of non-melanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to the sun’s UV rays. If you love being on the water, you probably want to spend the entire day and into the evening out there.  Plus, the tan makes your smile just a little brighter.  However… at a risk.

Here are 6 tips that should help you reduce your risks.
1) Apply sunscreen every day, even those gray days or days you don’t expect to be out for very long.  When planning those days you will be out longer, the recommendation is 1-2 ounces of sunscreen every 2 hours.  More often if swimming or sweating.   Use minimum of SPF 15 for short exposures or at least SPF 30 if you are planning long periods of time outdoors.  Don’t forget, you need lip balm or lipstick with SPF as well.  Cover all areas of your skin and ask for help with the hard to reach areas.  We’ve all seen people with sunburned hands, fingers, tops of their feet and toes or areas that they just couldn’t quite reach.
2) Covering up is also a very good idea.  You can find clothing with fabric that has SPF protection.  This will also allow you to spend more time outdoors without having to reapply sunscreen.  Hats that cover your scalp, face, ears and neck, probably looking at needing a 3in. brim.  Your sunglasses need to block 99%-100% of the UV rays. 
3) Take advantage of shade and umbrellas, especially between the hours of 10 AM and 4PM when the sun is most intense.
4) Be aware of glare and reflection of the sun from water, sand and other areas this glare intensify the rays.  Avoid tanning oils as well as they add to the intensity of the exposure.
5) Take extra precautions; if you are taking medicine, supplements or using acne products as several of these are “photosensitive”, making your skin even more sensitive to the sunlight.
6) Avoid tanning beds; there is no such thing as a healthy tan the UVA rays from tanning equipment actually penetrate deeper into the skin than the UVB rays from the sun.

These 6 tips can help you enjoy your time outside without that nasty red sunburn.

Applying sunscreen and these simple tips may help reduce the cases of skin cancer diagnosed this year.
Information for this post came from the following sources: American Cancer Society, and

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